About Us
In Minnesota, essential businesses have been back to the office for almost two months now. Other businesses are hoping to bring people back to the office as quickly–and as safely–as possible. But the fact of the matter is, some offices are just not set up to meet the needs of those people returning. We need solutions that are faster, hands-free & simple to use to keep business moving flawlessly.
That is why we like products like Crestron Air Media touchless content sharing. Easily installed into conference rooms & other open meeting spaces, the touchless element eliminates the need to handle cables or connective pucks when its your turn to share digital content.
Crestron Air Media also provides faster connectivity; is easier to navigate then other digital sharing platforms; can be managed remotely; and streamlines the connectivity for guests. The simplicity of the system increases workflow and can turn any public spaces into hubs for content sharing, collaboration, or presentations.