About Us
Untethered is a flexible workplace solution that gives teams true freedom to collaborate anywhere. With the Untethered swappable battery system, you can localize power to your furniture; giving you full control over where and how you work.
At the heart of this solution is the Untethered battery which can power an average laptop for up to 8 hours. Charging is fast and easy with Untethered Mobile Charging Cart and Untethered Desktop Battery Charger. Charge up to 3 or 6 Untethered batteries simultaneously with a maximum charging time of 2-3 hours to full battery capacity.
Bring power with you in two ways: on its own with Untethered Mobile Power Post or mounted to movable furniture with Untethered Furniture Adapter. Both Untethered Mobile Power Post and Untethered Furniture Adapter translates power from Untethered battery into ready to use, 1 AC outlet, 1 USB-A and USB-C format. Swapping batteries is fast and easy. No need to wait for batteries to charge, just swap for a fresh one.
Untethered can be deployed in a number of ways. The Mobile Power Post holds one swappable battery and can be positioned wherever you need it. AC and USB ports are located at the top of the post. Untethered mobile tables can be nested, moved and set up without removing the Untethered Furniture Adapter or battery. Power can directed to desktop power cubes for easy connectivity. The Untethered Media Rover supports a flat screen display and web cam and can be rolled where other display stands can’t. The furniture adapter on the rover is hidden neatly on the back of the display.
Untethered batteries take a maximum of 2-3 hours to reach full charge. A number of charging stations are available. Wall-mounted and desktop charging units accommodate three batteries, while mobile charging carts are available in two sizes, accommodating three or six batteries.
The Untethered Mobile Charging Cart draws up to 250W at 120 VAC per three charging bays. It can be plugged into a typical North American 120V wall outlet without worrying about overage with a maximum of 12 batteries per single circuit.
Untethered’s rechargeable lithium iron phosphate battery contains no nickel or cobalt, which makes it near impossible to ignite in the event of mishandling. The battery also has a built-in electronic Battery Management System, making it one of the safest and most efficient batteries on the market.