About Us
Dan White, iSpace Environments Mankato Market Manger and Account Executive, looks back on his partnership with Pioneer Bank and the 2020 completion of their new headquarters in Mankato. “What lead to the success of this project was the early coordination of the project team,” shares White. “The Pioneer team chose to skip the RFP process (which often wastes time and money) and commit to strong partners from the start.” He continues, “when brought into the project early, we help the customer develop the budget and vision for the project. Then, we work hard to maintain it and execute.”
The construction of Pioneer Bank began in the spring of 2019, and shortly thereafter iSpace Environments was brought on board to provide both architectural walls and furniture for the innovative project. Pioneer Bank sought to redefine the in-bank experience and needed design and product solutions that would support their vision. Differing from a standard in-bank experience where a row of stand-up counters services a line of patrons, the guest experience at Pioneer takes place at the personal banker’s private desk.
“We knew immediately that their goals of long-term customer relationships based on trust and respect would need to be translated into product solutions,” continues White.
For the private offices, the aesthetic and functional needs called for sliding glass doors, but acoustics could not be compromised. It was determined that acoustic seal on the sliding doors from the Teknion Optos Wall would be the best solution. Optos’ seamless integration with construction and its generous tolerances also allowed for build-out and product manufacturing to continue simultaneously.
An unforeseen obstacle was, of course, the Covid19 pandemic. “At the onset of Covid we faced unfortunate manufacturing facility shutdowns,” mentions White. “We were very nervous about meeting the schedule; however, the manufacturing delays only slightly affected the timetable.”
Pioneer’s goal to improve the customer experience and welcome the community into the banking environment extends throughout the building. The second floor is designed with a pre-function lobby, large training room and expansive roof deck to host staff trainings or customer educational events and provide a place for community gatherings.
Since the Pioneer Bank team began to occupy the space, iSpace Environments has assisted with some furniture changes that help to create the CDC requirements for separation & orientation. White concludes, “the team looks forward to the alleviation of pandemic so Pioneer Bank can truly welcome the community to their new headquarters as the design and planning intended.”
Pioneer Bank
Mankato, MN
Architecture & Design: ISG
Construction: RW Carlstrom
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Teknion Optos Wall
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