About Us
Photo credit: Bethany Price / iSpace Environments
Work It
St. Paul, MN
Featured Furnishings
Teknion, Studio TK, Interstuhl, Keilhauer, LifeSpan, Sit On It, Senator Group, Watson
It’s safe to say that all of us know that exercise is good for our mind and body, but the owner behind “Work-It” takes it a 4 to 5mph step further (on her LifeSpan Treadmill Desk) to provide a space where exercise is just part of the regular work day.
This urban co-working space has a strong and humble mission: Work Your Body, Boost Your Brain. With their concept based on research in the field of neuroscience, chiropractic health, nutrition and many other physical aspects of a healthy lifestyle – iSpace Environments was eager to contribute. Armed with knowledge from “Activity-Based Design” and the principles of “Ethonomics,” our team pulled together furnishings for “Work It” that encourage posture change, support active collaboration, promote wellness and create spaces for people to network.
Sit-to-Stand desking (among the many walking-stations and bike-stations), privacy screens, community inspired meeting areas, mobile furniture, and mobile tools like whiteboards on casters are all components that help support this active environment.
This environment is designed to support a community; whether that be business owners, non-profit organizations or the freelancer that is sick of the coffee shop. The result is one that inspires innovation, energizes your body and simply makes for a more efficient way of life.