It seems that sitting all day is detrimental to your health. But standing all day can also have negative effects. Both extremes, if employed exclusively, aren’t anywhere near good for a body. Sitting at work all day can increase your chances for all kinds of conditions (obesity, heart disease, diabetes and even cancer). Standing all day can lead to varicose veins, back and joint problems and sore and swollen feet. So, what’s a worker to do?
Mix it Up.
One solution is to change your working position throughout the day. Don’t sit too long at a time. Take a break and walk around. Or (as your boss might recommend) stay working, but try working standing up. As you can see in the short above, our recent trip to NeoCon confirmed that variable height desking is everywhere. More and more manufacturers are getting in on the “action.” Whether 100% motorized or simply spring or mechanically-assisted, there are a host of options that allow the inhabitant to very easily adjust the height of his/her desktop throughout the day to provide some variety and help their well-being. Here are two of the best options to consider:
Teknion Livello Counterbalance and Complements adjustable height tables are built on technology and ergonomic research Teknion has been developing for more than 30 years. The Livello Counterbalance design allows nearly any worker to raise or lower their desktop and connected display with ease. Just a pinch of the release handle and the tabletop can be guided from sitting to standing position and back. Rectangular, corner and L-shaped tables are available and integrate nicely with panel and desking systems – with grommets and cable bins/channels keeping PC cables neatly tucked away and out-of-site. Electric-assist options with preset height controls are available for almost effortless operation. Larger meeting table sizes and flip-top tables are also available and allow for variable height work surfaces in collaboration spaces beyond the office. A stand-up meeting might be a great way to break up the day (and ensure all participants are awake!)
Humanscale’s QuickStand is a hybrid solution of sorts. Instead of raising the entire desktop, QuickStand is attached to nearly any balanced, fixed work surface via two clamps and allows just the keyboard, mouse and display to be raised and lowered by hand, at-will. Cable inputs and channels are integrated within the QuickStand tower and accommodate single or dual monitor configurations. Plus, fine-tuning controls ensure comfortable and ergonomically correct positioning of the display regardless of your stance. Feeling the need to stand up? A simple lift on the platform brings your PC up to your level.
Moderation in All Things.
You don’t need to read the research to know that too much sitting–or too much standing–is a bad thing. Your body will tell you so. With a host of options out there for adjusting your desktop height, it make sense to ensure that you have the option to do so. Be in touch and we can guide you through a number of options to make your work spaces more accommodating for various work styles.