
Our trip to NeoCon 2014 unearthed a number of examples of work villages of modest acreage that approach office productivity from a fuzzier perspective.
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You don't need to read the research to know that too much sitting–or too much standing–is a bad thing. Variable height work stations to the rescue!
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Right now the biggest trend in office design is benching.  There are several factors that may cause a company to transition from the typical office cube to an open plan design. Benching is often the cornerstone of this open plan.  But just like a lot of good things, moderation may be the key to benching...
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Work technologies advance, work styles change, and so do work environments. And, like fashion, music and politics, office furniture follows cyclical trends. Since the inception of the “modern” office some time in the 1700’s, when bureaucracy began to flourish and paperwork began to flow to keep track of global operations, work spaces have always adapted...
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For some organizations, a modicum of privacy is appreciated.
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