When a space needs to avoid clutter and also needs video conferencing cameras, try Leon's Horizon, Interactive and Interactive Fit Sound Bars.Read More
Like the modern workplace, we've experienced a shift, from one company into two. You can start calling us by our new name, iSpace Environments.Read More
Capture. Save. Share Is the SMART kapp a whiteboard? Yes. You can walk right up to it and start writing or drawing with any dry-erase marker. But, that’s just the beginning. With SMART kapp, you can transmit your whiteboard notes to anyone with an internet connection–in real-time. Plus, you will no longer need to snap a...Read More
The Seclusion Series is a flexible power, USB charging, and data solution designed to meet the growing and evolving demands of today’s work environment.Read More
Tri-synchronous motion allows for simultaneous pan, tilt and zoom and silky smooth camera motion between camera presents. No more jerky camera movement!Read More